
How To Cook A Single Serving Of Pasta In The Microwave


Pasta! Pasta! Pasta!

Pasta was invented by the Chinese as early every bit 5000 B.C. In that location are more than 600 pasta shapes produced worldwide, with the most popular existence spaghetti.

Did You Know?

  • In 18th century England, macaroni was a synonym for perfection and excellence. That's why, for example, the plume in Yankee Doodle'south cap was called "macaroni." In fact, the word "macaroni" ways "dearest darlings" in Italian.
  • I cup cooked spaghetti provides virtually 200 calories, xl grams of carbohydrates, less than one gram of total fat, no cholesterol and only one gram of sodium when cooked without salt.
  • According to Miss Manners (a.thou.a. Judith Martin), a fork is the but utensil that may exist used to eat spaghetti while anyone is looking.
  • Egg noodles incorporate egg; nigh all other dry pasta shapes do not. By federal police, a noodle must contain five.5 percent egg solids to be called a noodle. And then without egg, a noodle really isn't a noodle.
  • Thomas Jefferson is credited with introducing macaroni to the United States. Information technology seems that he savage in love with a certain dish he sampled in Naples while serving as the U.Due south. Ambassador to France. In fact, he promptly ordered crates of "macaroni," along with a pasta-making machine, sent dorsum to the United States.

Can't get your fill of Pasta Trivia? Visit the National Pasta Association's Pasta Facts!

Do I Need a Special Utensil to Cook Pasta in the Microwave?

No! You tin can use the recipes (see below) from Microwave Cooking for One without purchasing a special utensil to cook pasta in the microwave. At that place take been rave reviews for the Fasta Pasta The Microwave Cooker, and certainly if this makes it simpler for you to cook pasta in the microwave, and you cook pasta on a regular footing, then it is an item you might want to add to your cookware collection.

Fasta Pasta The Microwave Cooker

Fasta Pasta The Microwave Cooker — No waiting for a big pot of water to eddy. Cook pasta to al dente perfection in the microwave! Saves time, free energy and water. Use with spaghetti, fettuccini, macaroni, lasagna noodles, rotini and more. Will non boil over. Cooks evenly without sticking. Great for dormitory, motor home, gunkhole or cabin. Dishwasher safe. FDA approved microwaveable material. Fabricated in the United states of america.

Pasta in the Microwave

Since Mom was of Italian heritage, pasta was a regular weekly meal in our home when I was growing up. It seems to exist a pop meal in many American homes, based upon the numerous emails I've received asking how to melt information technology in the microwave. Information technology has reached the point where information technology is much simpler for me to provide this data for everybody, instead of answering requests individually, so here are the instructions for cooking pasta in the microwave from Microwave Cooking for One past Marie T Smith.

Method 1: Small Macaroni

To cook small macaroni (elbow, rotelle, ziti, etc.):

ane cup water

¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. vegetable oil

Pour water into 1½-quart Corning Ware pot. Melt 2:30 minutes (_____) at 100% power until water boils. Add salt and oil to water and stir.

ii oz. macaroni

Spread out macaroni in pot. Cook 12 minutes (_____) at 50% power until water is absorbed. Place on plate, pinnacle with your favorite sauce, and serve. (See recipes for Pasta Sauce and Vegetarian Pasta Sauce in Microwave Cooking for I by Marie T Smith, or make a big batch of sauce and freeze it using Momma's Microwave Italian Spaghetti Sauce Recipe.)

Method two: Long Macaroni

To cook long macaroni (linguine, spaghetti, vermicelli, etc.):

2 cups h2o

¼ tsp. table salt

¼ tsp. vegetable oil

Pour h2o into 1½-quart Corning Ware pot. Cook 5:00 minutes (_____) at 100% ability until water boils. Add together salt and oil to water and stir.

2 oz. macaroni

Place macaroni in pot. Ends will stick out of pot. Cook 1 minute (_____) at 100% power. The macaroni in the water will have softened. Push exposed ends downwardly into pot. Cook 1 infinitesimal (_____) at 100% power. Stir macaroni with fork, making sure all of information technology is covered by water. Melt half dozen minutes (_____) [8 minutes (_____) for spaghetti] at 50% power until macaroni is done. Bleed macaroni in strainer. Place on plate, elevation with your favorite sauce, and serve. (See recipes for Pasta Sauce and Vegetarian Pasta Sauce in Microwave Cooking for Ane by Marie T Smith, or make a big batch of sauce and freeze it using Momma'south Microwave Italian Spaghetti Sauce Recipe.)

Note: Cooking times are for a 700-watt oven. For best results with this and whatsoever other microwave recipe, please be sure to become to the Timing Section of Microwaving Tips for a complete explanation of timing in the microwave.


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