
How To Cook Hamburgers In A Air Fryer

How to Cook Hamburgers in Air Fryer recipe shows how piece of cake cooking hamburger patties in your air fryer is. Air Fryer Hamburgers are delicious! Just yous wait and see.

Closeup shot of air fryer hamburger patties on buns with lettuce and tomato

This is one of the easiest air fryer hamburger recipes y'all'll e'er make, and when we're all done, yous'll know exactly how to cook hamburgers in the air fryer!

So permit's get started talking nigh cooking hamburgers in the air fryer.

Did you know that cooking hamburgers in your air fryer are simple to practise?! It's true—Air Fryer Hamburgers are one of the best ways to get a ton of flavor into your burgers, fast.

A lot of people actually air fryer burgers over grilling them! That'south because air fryer hamburger patties have such a neat texture and flavor. They come up out juicy and tender on the within with simply a bit of crusty goodness on the outside.


Air Fryer Hamburgers

When I tell people that I love to cook upward my burgers in the air fryer, they're amazed that this is a "thing". Information technology'due south so much a thing that it's actually quite a frequent occurrence in our house. I think anybody needs a great air fryer hamburger recipe!

And to exist honest, there's really zilch quite like it. The burgers stay plump and juicy and the outer layer has a bit of a well-baked that I actually thoroughly beloved. When you bite into air fryer hamburger patties, you go an explosion of juicy flavour.

Sometimes, I'll even consume my hamburgers with a knife and fork just to keep the mess to a minimum. And so again, other times, I'll just wipe my chin with a napkin and keep going for it.

I'chiliad also a big fan of cooking burgers in many ways so this air fryer hamburger recipe is a dainty variance. Just catch your toppings and go ready to take 1 of the juiciest burger bites, always.

History of Hamburgers

Although we've been eating some version of mod-day hamburgers for well over a century, their truthful origin remains shrouded in mystery. Like a surprising number of foods, the official origin of the hamburger still remains unknown.

As far back equally 1758, a recipe for Hamburger Sausage, which was suggested to exist served roasted with toasted staff of life under it, tin be found in The Fine art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy.

A similar bread and beef food was popular in Hamburg in or around 1869, which is said to have been eaten by immigrants on their way to America. There'due south a reference to a Hamburg steak every bit early every bit 1884 in the Boston Journal.

So the earliest iterations of burgers are not new, only the modern-day burger is relatively new. It's usually thought to take been invented in the The states with heavy inspiration from the hamburg steak.

It'due south said that the origin of the hamburger actually comes from Hamburg, Germany past Otto Kause, but that information technology gained national recognition at the 1904 St. Louis Earth'southward Fair. At that time the New York Tribune referred to the hamburger equally the innovation of a nutrient vendor on the pike.

Claims to the Burger Throne

At that place are varying stories as to who invented the modernistic-day hamburger, but right now, there are five stories that claim the credit for the creation of what nosotros now know as the hamburger.

Louis Lassen

One version claims that Louis Lassen, owner of Louis' Lunch in New Haven created the burger when he served upwards ground meat patties between two slices of bread. According to fable, he start made the sandwich subsequently a client ordered a steak. Louis was out of steaks, so he took the beef trimmings, formed them into a patty, and grilled them.

Otto Kuase

White Castle attributes the creation of the hamburger to Otto Kuase. According to them he created a beef patty cooked in butter and topped with a fried egg in 1891. Later on that High german sailors are said to have omitted the egg.

Oscar Weber Bilby

The family of Oscar Weber Bilby – yes, the Weber grill family – claims that the first burger on a bun was actually served on Grandpa Oscar'south farm on July 4th, 1891.

Frank and Charles Menches

Still another business relationship is that Frank and Charles Menches actually created the hamburger in 1885, where they served it at the Eire County Fair later on running out of pork sausage.

The story goes that later running out of pork sausage, the brothers bought chopped beef from a butcher. They then cooked up the beefiness and served information technology on buns.

This version of the story is a flake more suspect than others, with many holes in information technology. For instance, the brother claimed to have purchased the beef from Andrew Klein, yet, a food historian institute that the meat was from Stein's market.

In addition, the name hamburger purports to take come from Hamburg, New York not Hamburg, Germany, although a precursor to the hamburger does, in fact, come up from the German language city.

Closeup shot of air fryer hamburger on bun

How to Cook Hamburgers in the Air Fryer

It's a fairly straightforward procedure, actually, but for the uninitiated, it can seem quite daunting. That's why I'm doling out some knowledge on cooking hamburgers in the air fryer. Nosotros'll be talking about everything relating to air fryer hamburger recipes, and so let's get to information technology.

Tin can Yous Cook Hamburger Meat in an Air Fryer

You bet. I can and I do. The air fryer is equipped to melt all types of meat like this Air Fryer Chicken Cordon Bleu or this recipe for Air Fried Nashville Hot Craven Strips also. Information technology might seem odd to you at outset, but trust me, cooking hamburgers in the air fryer is where it's at.

How Long do Air Fryer Hamburger Patties Take to Cook

This is really going to depend on how thick the patty is that you brand. For a thinner patty, you're probably going to be around 9-ten minutes. For a thicker patty, you're going to exist looking at 12-13 minutes of meat.

It will vary each and every time that y'all cook upwards these hamburgers in the air fryer. The biggest matter to pay attending to is that you demand to brand certain that yous're using a meat thermometer to know the doneness of the burgers. An internal temp of 160 degrees is an indicator that the beefiness is pulled and ready to eat.

Do Yous Need to Flip Burgers in an Air Fryer

You practise. Halfway through the cooking time, you lot're going to want to flip the burgers.

This is actually a actually large misconception about air fryers that people tend to struggle with. Almost people recollect that the nutrient that is added to the air fryer doesn't have to be flipped simply it usually does.

While the air fryer does a great job of circulating the air, information technology still needs to be flipped to get an even cooking time on all sides. Most times you'll just accept to flip once though, halfway through to get the job done.

Ingredients for Cooking Hamburgers in the Air Fryer

You lot don't demand much to make air fryer hamburger patties. In fact, if you want to know how to melt hamburgers in the air fryer, information technology all begins in the same style that any other burger does—with the ingredients.

You lot must outset make the decision to employ teriyaki sauce or your favorite charcoal-broil sauce to make your hamburger patties. You won't need much just a trivial goes a long way.

In my stance, both are admittedly perfect inside the burger and gustation succulent.

Here'due south what yous'll need to create your patties.

  • basis beef or a ground beef – basis pork blend, I take used ground turkey and ground pork too with no complaints (I find the footing pork keeps the ground turkey moist and boy do they taste peachy)
  • common salt
  • pepper
  • teriyaki sauce or barbecue sauce

Optional Toppings

  • lettuce
  • tomato plant
  • onions
  • pickles
  • ketchup
  • mustard
  • relish
  • cheese

As you can see, four main ingredients are what you need for this hamburger patty recipe and the residuum all comes down to your pick of toppings! The fun part almost toppings is that you tin can literally change up the flavor and taste of every unmarried burger you lot make.

You lot never have to have a burger taste the same, if y'all don't want to.

Tips for Cooking Hamburgers in the Air Fryer

Fifty-fifty though air fryer hamburger recipes are crazy easy, there are a few tips that I thought I'd laissez passer along. That fashion, you don't accept to practice them like I "might" have the commencement time!

Don't Overmix the Meat

Yes, it'southward a thing. You can mix your hamburger meat too much. What this does is basically break down the meat and fat content in a way that will make them tougher and potentially even dry.

Only a few uncomplicated stirs are all you need to do. Basically, this is the meat version of folding rather than stirring.

Don't Brand the Air Fryer Hamburger Patties too Thick

I'k tempted by this every single time. I similar a fat juicy burger! But I also like a burger that is cooked all the mode through and so information technology's important to not make the burger too thick for this recipe. The perfect size is going to be nearly ½ inch thick.

Don't Forget to Grease Your Air Fryer Handbasket

Even though the burger patties have fat in them, you still need to grease the air fryer too. But spray it with some non-stick spray before you lot add together in your meat.

Close up shot of air fryer hamburgers on buns on white plate

Make a Divot in the Middle of the Meat Patties with Your Thumb

This is one of those "tricks" that more than and more people are starting to exercise. The reason that you make a divot in the middle of the meat is that it stops the burgers from shrinking while you're cooking them.

Have yous always cooked a hamburger patty and once it's done cooking, it's literally ⅓ of the size that it was before? This is considering it shrunk up chop-chop based on the corporeality of fatty content in the meat.

Putting a small divot in the center of the burger is a unproblematic mode to take care of that upshot. Just printing lightly in the eye and don't make an actual hole – only a small little dent.

Don't Forget to Flip the Burgers

Remember to flip your burger patties halfway through. This will be at about the 3-5 mark depending on the thickness of the burgers.

Closeup shot of air fryer hamburger with bite taken out

The Best Toppings for Hamburgers in the Air Fryer

I truly feel that the hamburger topping options are endless. Some of my favorite toppings for hamburgers include:

  • lettuce
  • cheese
  • tomatoes
  • dill pickles
  • sweetness pickles
  • onion
  • salsa
  • jalapenos
  • avocado
  • bacon

And those are but a few! Don't forget about condiments like ketchup, mustard, and mayo as well. The list could literally keep forever!

Closeup shot of air fryer hamburgers on white plate

How to Reheat Leftover Air Fryer Hamburger Patties

If yous have hamburgers leftover to enjoy again, yay! Just exist certain to reheat them low and slow then that yous don't zap them and overcook them. You lot tin use your air fryer to reheat only pay close attending to the temp. It should just take a couple of minutes, tops.

Love this simple burger recipe? Check out this piece of cake recipe for more air fryer recipes, too!

At present You lot Know How to Melt Hamburgers in the Air Fryer

So catch your air fryer and get cooking! Cooking air fryer hamburger recipes is so easy, and the flavor and texture are absolutely fantastic. Cooking air fryer hamburger patties results in juicy, tender meat with a nice crispy exterior that anybody will love. Give this recipe a endeavour today. I guarantee that y'all and your family unit volition dearest it.

More Air Fryer Recipes

  • Air Fryer Breakfast Sausage Wrapped in Bacon
  • Air Fried Popcorn Craven with Garlic Parmesan Flavor
  • Coconut Shrimp with Piña Colada Sauce in an Air Fryer

How to Cook Hamburgers in Air Fryer Video

How to Cook Hamburgers in Air Fryer

How to Cook Hamburgers in Air Fryer recipe shows how easy cooking hamburger patties in your air fryer is. Air Fryer Hamburgers are delicious!

Form luncheon, Main Course

Cuisine American

  • Air Fryer

  • i pound basis beef, ground beef and ground pork alloy
  • 1 tsp table salt
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • ii tbsp teriyaki sauce or barbecue sauce, divided

Optional Toppings

  • lettuce
  • tomato
  • onion
  • pickles, sliced
  • ketchup
  • mustard
  • relish
  • mayo
  • cheese
  • Get out and measure out all of your ingredients.

  • Combine ground beef, ground pork or a blend or ground meat, salt, pepper, and one tablespoon teriyaki or barbecue sauce in a medium bowl.

  • Prepare your air fryer basket with cooking spray.

  • Dissever meat mixture into four patties most a half inch thick. Using your thumb, create an indent or divot into the center of each hamburger patty as you lower it into your air fryer. The paring volition make your burger melt evenly.

  • Split remaining tablespoon of teriyaki or barbecue sauce between the four divots.

  • Air fry at 370ºF for v minutes. Flip burgers and air fry for an additional 3-5 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 160ºF.

  • Serve on toasted or untoasted buns.

  • Include all of your favorite toppings.

  • Enjoy every bite!

Keyword air fryer burger, air fryer hamburger, how to make hamburger patties in air fryer

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