
How Long To Cook Perdue Turkey Breast Roast

Herb crusted and garlic blimp Boneless Turkey Breast Roast is tender, juicy and perfect for any holiday dinner. With simply 7 minutes of prep time, this flavorful principal dish produces impressive results every time!

Pair with favorite Thanksgiving side dishes like healthy mashed potatoes, low carb cauliflower brew and spinach salad recipe. Or enjoy as a healthy sandwich meat twelvemonth circular.

sliced boneless turkey breast roast on cutting board

Tabular array of contents

  • Tender, Juicy Boneless Turkey Breast Roast
  • Why Cook a Roast and Not a Whole Turkey?
  • Ingredients for Boneless Skinless Turkey Breast Roast
  • What Is a Boneless Turkey Breast Roast?
  • How to Roast a Turkey Breast
    • one. Stuff with Garlic
    • 2. Season with Herbs
    • 3. Broil
    • 4. Remove Mesh and Slice
    • 5. Make Gravy (Optional but Adept)
  • Optional Add together-In'southward and Variations
  • Tips for All-time Roasted Turkey
  • FAQs
  • Serving Recommendations
  • Making This Recipe in Accelerate
  • More Good for you Dinners to Endeavour

Tender, Juicy Boneless Turkey Breast Roast

Make this juicy boneless turkey chest roast for the holidays instead of roasting a whole turkey. I borrowed this method from my mom, who when I was growing up in Ukraine, would frequently roast a crispy skinned pork roast stuffed with garlic and rubbed with spices. I cook lamb roast same way now and recently I tried something new – coffee rubbed sirloin roast.

I take other recipes for os-in turkey breast, but I borrowed her idea for this like shooting fish in a barrel turkey roast. Entire boneless skinless turkey breast roast is stuffed with garlic, herb crusted with fresh rosemary and baked until juicy. Whether you serve it at the holidays or for a Dominicus dinner, information technology'southward perfect for serving a smaller family unit.

Why Cook a Roast and Not a Whole Turkey?

  • Small holiday gathering: Yous are simply feeding 4-half-dozen people, then don't want to bother cooking whole turkey. But at same time don't want to be celebrating with turkey burgers.
  • A few extra guests: And whole turkey is not enough.
  • Saves oven space: And leaves more room for sides of sweet potato casserole or parmesan mushrooms.
  • Cold weather cooking: During dank fall/winter nights when you require healthy comfort food, all-time roasted turkey to the rescue.
  • Christmas in July: Information technology'due south summertime merely yous are craving a turkey. Might too try Instant Pot turkey breast to keep kitchen absurd.
  • Avert processed meats: Want healthy deli meat alternative and are tired of usual salubrious tuna salad and healthy chicken salad.
roast turkey breast recipe plated with mashed potatoes and gravy and pickles

Ingredients for Boneless Skinless Turkey Chest Roast

  • Boneless turkey breast roast: This recipe calls for fresh boneless skinless turkey breast roast. If y'all have a frozen one, thaw it first.

General rule of thumb is 1/2 lb of turkey breast per person, so purchase accordingly to the number of guests you will be serving or in my case how many hungry boys I am feeding!

  • Fresh rosemary: I love using dried herbs for soups and stews. For herb roasted turkey roast I highly recommend to buy fresh rosemary. I sympathise it is extra hassle. I am all for shortcuts but holiday roast calls for fresh herbs – equally it infuses the all-time gustation.

Freeze leftover chopped rosemary and use it later! I like to freeze fresh herbs in an ice cube tray with olive oil Рuse information technology in place of olive oil when saut̩ing chicken breast or vegetables for an additional layer of flavor.

  • Garlic: There is really no substitute for fresh garlic, which has a very distinctive flavour. If you are allergic to garlic, maybe bake with a scrap of lemon juice and zest. And/or sprinkle with fresh chives after.
  • Olive oil:Can as well use avocado or grapeseed oil. I do non recommend to use melted butter because information technology will solidify as soon as you castor it on common cold boneless skinless turkey breast roast and herbs volition non stick.
  • Salt and pepper: To season and taste.
Boneless skinless turkey breast, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary.

What Is a Boneless Turkey Breast Roast?

  • Boneless and skinless: A mesh pouch with meat only vacuum sealed or in a tray with plastic.
  • Dark or white meat: Can be but boneless turkey breast, but thigh or both. In either instance, meat is shaped and held together by stretchy mesh.
  • Where to find: Located in fresh meat section or sometimes in frozen. Frozen roasts often are packaged in a box, tin be also pre-seasoned, so please pay attention.
  • What information technology'due south not: It is Non the turkey breast cut of meat sold on its own.

How to Roast a Turkey Chest

1. Stuff with Garlic

  • Prep: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F while you are preparing the roast. Chop rosemary and cut garlic into sparse slivers.
  • Brand holes in the roast: In a medium roasting pan or Dutch oven, place turkey roast and make ten-15 inserts with a paring pocketknife.
  • Stuff with garlic: Stick garlic slice into each pigsty until you run out of garlic.

2. Season with Herbs

  • Brand roast "sticky" and season: Rub roast with oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper all effectually.
  • "Attach" on rosemary: Taking small handfuls of rosemary pat it onto the roast, and so sprinkle some. The goal is to glaze the roast in herbs for best roasted turkey flavor.

3. Bake

  • Bake uncovered for thirty minutes per 1 lb: I cooked 3 lbs roast for ninety minutes or until meat thermometer inserted in the thickest office reads 160 degrees F. Exercise not worry about meat reaching 170 degrees F. It will practise and then while resting. This way turkey roast will come up out juicy.

Important to permit meat balance! Remove roast from the oven, cover and let it rest for 10 minutes. Internal temperature will reach 170 degrees F and juices will settle. Don't skip!

iv. Remove Mesh and Piece

  • Remove casing: Using precipitous knife or kitchen pair of scissors, cut casing in the middle, remove and discard.
  • Slicing roast: Make sure you sharpen your carving knife before slicing the roast. There is nothing worse than a dull knife "butchering" your beautiful piece of meat and "squeezing" out all juices. Slice into thin slices without pushing on meat too hard.

Make sure you acuminate your etching pocketknife before slicing the roast. There is zilch worse than a dull pocketknife "butchering" your beautiful piece of meat and "squeezing" out all juices.

five. Brand Gravy (Optional just Good)

OK. So, because yous didn't melt a whole turkey, doesn't mean you lot tin can't have gravy. Turn that small amount of drippings into piece of cake gravy and you just took your best roasted turkey up a whole other level of amazingness.

Turkey pan drippings in a pot, chicken broth, white wine, butter, cornstarch.
  • Combine drippings and existing flavors: Identify roasting pan with juices from cooking turkey roast on medium rut. Scrape and milkshake rosemary and burnt on pieces from removed casing into the pot. There is a lot of flavor. Discard the casing.
  • Add 2 cups water or depression sodium craven stock: Bring to a eddy and cook for 5 minutes, whisking to scrape the walls. Again, lots of flavour in there.
  • Season more: Add ane/4 cup white wine, i tablespoon butter, one/4 tsp common salt and ground blackness pepper to gustatory modality. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low-medium and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Make slurry: In a small bowl, add a bit of gravy from the pot and i tbsp cornstarch. Whisk well with a fork, pour back into the pot and whisk until gravy starts boiling.
  • Cook for ii-3 minutes or until thickened a fleck. Pour over sliced turkey roast.

Optional Add-In'due south and Variations

  • Additional rub seasonings: Onion powder, crushed thyme, sage or herbs de Provence.
  • Can't stand the though of non using butter to rub turkey? Melt minor amount of butter then mix with EVOO or some readers have had success with using room temperature butter.
  • 'Blimp' turkey breast: If you are upwardly for the challenge, some readers take successfully removed mesh, unrolled the breast and spread boosted layer of fresh herbs/butter and then rolled it back upwardly and stuffed breast dorsum in mesh before roasting.
  • Brine turkey overnight for additional season.

Tips for Best Roasted Turkey

  • Don't remove the casing before cooking: Under whatsoever circumstances please don't. Casing is holding pieces of meat together. If you remove it, meat will fall autonomously. Do not worry, we will season information technology inside. It will come out juicy and delicious.
  • Bake roast uncovered: If you comprehend it, meat will steam instead of roasting.
  • Extra large roast 5-10 lbs: Melt for thirty minutes per lb but bank check with thermometer 30 minutes before calculated total time. Merely to avert overcooking as oven gets hotter with time.
  • Turkey roast beyond the Holidays: If you are looking at this recipe and information technology's non Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter, please know you can still cook the roast. And use instead of cafeteria meat. Healthy sandwich meat! Summertime picnics, school and work lunches, appetizers board. Heck, yeah!!!
  • Storing leftovers: Refrigerate roast whole or sliced in an airtight container for upwardly to a week. It tastes so proficient cold. And warm with gravy. This recipe is so versatile!


How practise I go browned crispy peel?

You tin can effort broiling for a few minutes at the stop – simply exist careful not to dry the turkey.

My turkey breast came out dry, what happened?

First, this recipe is for a fresh roast. If your roast is frozen, be certain to thaw it completely. If your breast is frozen in the middle, it volition modify the cooking time and end results will be dry. Second, trust the first internal temp cheque, remove it from oven and let it residual so turkey juices settle dorsum into the roast. Still having trouble? Some readers have had success using a roasting purse – although I am not sure what that is!

Tin I utilize a cast iron pan for boneless turkey breast roast?

Yep, I cook this in my Dutch oven which is cast atomic number 26 and turns out the best roasted turkey I have always had!

What if I don't accept a Dutch oven or roasting pan?

If y'all don't have a Dutch oven or roasting pan, you tin bake turkey roast in an ovenproof blistering dish (uncovered). Then to rest the meat, cover it tightly with foil.

My turkey breast came in plastic, practise I remove it?

Aye, never melt in plastic. Purchase kitchen twine and tie roast subsequently removing from plastic. Go along with recipe.

Tin I embrace my turkey breast with foil for additional moistness?

I do not recommend this as your turkey volition steam rather than roast.

My roasted turkey breast is tough! What happened?

If your roast comes out tough, information technology is because of type of meat the store used to wrap into the casing. I in one case happened to buy a small 2 lb roast and it was pretty chewy with musculus tissues. I highly recommend to purchase a minimum 3 lbs larger boneless skinless turkey breast roast.

finished boneless skinless turkey breast roast on cutting board

Serving Recommendations

A few healthy Thanksgiving and holidays side dishes are the perfect complement to your festive celebration.

  • Mashed potatoes: Instant Pot mashed potatoes or mashed sugariness potatoes are traditional for best roasted turkey.
  • Sauces: I created healthier versions of the classics – healthy gravy and healthy cranberry sauce. Less sugar and fatty.
  • Veggie sides: Sauteed brussels sprouts, asparagus in air fryer, steamed vegetables, oven baked butternut squash or Instant Pot sweetness potato casserole.
  • Autumn salads: Kale and quinoa salad with apples is full of seasonal taste or I invite you lot to browse my extensive drove of succulent salad recipes.
  • Casseroles: Healthy sweet potato casserole and healthy greenish bean casserole.

Alternately, browse through 50 salubrious Thanksgiving recipes!

Making This Recipe in Accelerate

Make ahead: To save time at the holidays, y'all could 'dress' the turkey chest with garlic and herbs, encompass and refrigerate up to 24 hours. Let turkey come to room temp, then proceed with roasting.

Store: Air-condition roast whole or sliced in an airtight container for up to a week. It tastes and so expert cold. And warm with gravy. This recipe is so versatile!

Freezing: Freeze leftovers sliced or cut into bite sized pieces in an airtight container for up to 3 months. Thaw in refrigerator and then employ leftovers for one pot turkey tetrazzini, as a protein in a salad for luncheon or for turkey tacos!

More than Healthy Dinners to Try

turkey breast roast sliced on a platter with knife and garnish

Boneless Turkey Breast Roast

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Boneless Turkey Roast

  • three lbs fresh boneless turkey roast in casing
  • 3 large garlic cloves cut into matchsticks
  • 3 large rosemary sprigs leaves removed and minced
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 1/4 tsp table salt
  • Ground black pepper to taste

Boneless Turkey Roast

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

  • In a medium roasting pan or Dutch oven, identify turkey roast and make x-fifteen inserts with a paring knife. Stick garlic slice into each one until you run out of garlic.

  • Rub roast with oil, then sprinkle with common salt and pepper all around. Taking modest handfuls of rosemary pat it onto the roast, so sprinkle some. The goal is to coat the roast in herbs.

  • Bake uncovered for ninety minutes.

  • Check with meat thermometer, it should read 160 degrees F.

  • Remove from the oven, cover and let residue for 10 minutes.

  • Internal temperature will attain 170 degrees F and juices settle.

  • Using  a abrupt knife or scissors, remove the casing and piece.

  • Serve warm at a Holiday tabular array with traditional sides of mashed potatoes and gravy, common cold as an appy or use in sandwiches instead of deli meat.

Easy Pan Gravy (Optional)

  • Place roasting pan with juices from cooking turkey roast on medium heat. Scrape and shake rosemary and burnt on pieces from removed casing into the pot. There is a lot of season. Discard the casing.

  • Add broth and bring to a boil. Cook for v minutes and whisk to scrape the walls. Again lots of flavor in there.

  • Add white wine, butter, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low-medium and melt for v minutes.

  • In a minor bowl, add together a bit of gravy from the pot and cornstarch. Whisk well with a fork, cascade back into the pot and whisk until gravy starts humid.

  • Cook for ii-three minutes or until thickened a flake. Serve with a turkey roast.

Make alee: To save time at the holidays, you could 'dress' the turkey breast with garlic and herbs, cover and refrigerate up to 24 hours. Let turkey come to room temp, then proceed with roasting.

    Shop leftovers: Refrigerate roast whole or sliced in an closed container for up to a week. Information technology tastes so good cold. And warm with gravy. This recipe is and so versatile!

      Freezing: Freeze leftovers sliced or cut into bite sized pieces in an air tight container for up to 3 months. Thaw in refrigerator.

        • Fresh boneless turkey roast: This recipe calls for fresh boneless skinless turkey roast. If you have a frozen i, thaw it showtime.
        • Garlic: If you are allergic to garlic, mayhap broil with a scrap of lemon juice and zest. And/or sprinkle with fresh chives after.
        • Olive oil:Can also employ avocado or grapeseed oil. I exercise non recommend to utilize melted butter because it will solidify.
        • Os in roast: If you lot desire to cook turkey chest with bone in, check out this roasted turkey breast recipe.
        • Don't remove the casing before cooking: Casing is holding pieces of meat together. If you remove information technology, meat will fall apart.
        • Extra large roast 5-10 lbs: Melt for xxx minutes per lb simply check with thermometer 30 minutes before calculated total fourth dimension. Just to avert overcooking as oven gets hotter with time.

        Run across recipe postal service for more tips and FAQs.

        Serving: 2 slices | Calories: 258 kcal | Carbohydrates: one g | Protein: 30 thousand | Fat: xiv g | Saturated Fat: iv g | Cholesterol: 92 mg | Sodium: 442 mg | Sugar: 1 chiliad

        Recipes and images are a copyright of It is against the police to republish recipes without permission. Nutritional info is approximate.


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